Egg table 2.0
- Material: steel, wood, plywood, desktop marmoleum
- Size: 119x154x76 cm (other sizes possible)
- Price: € 1895
- Order
A year after the introduction of the egg table, here is a new version: the eggtable 2.0. There are a few big differences: 2.0 has a steel frame and the tabletop is not carved from solid beams anymore. This makes this new table much lighter and also easier to produce. It is the industrial version of its arty big brother so to say.
The tabletop is made out of a multiplex board covered with desktop marmoleum. This is a great organic, nice smelling and warm material made out of linseed oil. The marmoleum is glued on the plywood and doesn't need anymore finishing. Marmoleum is available in many beautiful natural colours. See a few examples down here. Ask us for the possibilities.
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